Tuesday, December 7, 2010


1) Discuss the way in which race is portrayed in these two videos:

a. Ghetto Delta Airlines

b. Everest College advertisement

How are they the same, and how different? (50-75 words)

They are similar in that they make the assumption that black people don’t do anything and are lazy. In the first video, that’s why the black people went on vacation, and in the second video, they’re “lazy” and spend all day sitting on the couch. Both videos are assuming that they don’t have anything better to do with their lives other than be lazy and not go to school. The first video portrayed black people stereotypically by the way the man spoke – he used many slang terms and cursed somewhat. Also in the first video, it showed the black woman’s curves, which is a typical assumption as well. In the second video, the man didn’t speak really as stereotypically as black people, but he was accusing them of spending all day on the phone and not getting an education.

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