Wednesday, December 8, 2010


1) Find a “news” story from the Onion News Network, and compare it to a contemporary news story or clip from a “real” news source (a TV channel, newspaper, etc.). Discuss them both in terms of gatekeeping and agenda-setting functions, as well as the breakdown and reevaluation of discourse that Baym talks about in his article. Citing Baym will help (100-150 words).

Baym’s article stated how other sources of news are appearing, and are appealing more to a youthful crowd. He believes and studies have shown that “young people are turning towards another form of news and campaign information – late night television and comedy shows.” In the video from the Onion News Network, called “VH1 Reality Show Bus Crashes in California Causing Major Slut Spill,” the news anchors all appear very real and sound like any other anchor, but discuss how a bus crashed and ‘sluts’ were all over the street. This video also said that homes nearby were evacuated in order to prevent any damage from the toxic waste (the sluts). This was extremely similar to another video I found from ABC7, saying that a truck filled with gasoline spilled all over the street, causing many to evacuate their homes and have the street shut down.

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