Wednesday, December 8, 2010


1) By drawing on the articles on the exotic and globalization from class, discuss the following advertisement: (100-150 words).

In this commercial, Conan travels to India to get the finest silk red curtains for his show. To me, it showed a lot of what we talked about with globalization, like sharing ideas and also how globalization has provided jobs for many around the world. Even though it was neat to watch the process of making silk, I found it somewhat offensive that Conan was showing that the car broke down, making it seem like how people would picture India to be (very stereotypical) and making it seem that he was ‘too good’ for all of this. I also found it offensive how low he was bargaining with the man for his best silk… It was showing how Americans can ‘rip off’ people of different countries, almost showing that the things they have to offer aren’t good enough.

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